Corporate forms and Documents

  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a General Partnership Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case parties want to enter into a partnership agreement for purposes of doing business.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a head of terms agreement when parties want to either sell or purchase stock and assets of a company.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time depending on the nature and demands of the company and the Investor.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Hire-Purchase Agreement for a Motor Vehicle.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time depending on the type of vehicle/object to be hired and later purchased.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Service Internet Agreement
    2. This template is applicable in the case where a client wants to have his officer or company furnished with internet services.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting the Investment It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template serves as a sample only and can be modified.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting the Investment It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template serves as a sample only and can be modified.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Joint Venture Agreement.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Lease Agreement

    Sh 150,000
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting Contract of Lease/Lease Agreement.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Pledge Letter.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Pledge Letter for loans.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Loan Agreement.
  • NOTES:
    1. A Loan Agreement is an agreement between a lender and a borrower detailing the terms and conditions of the loan. A friendly loan agreement is usually made between friends, family, or acquaintances. In most friendly loan agreements and depending on the relationship and agreement between the parties, interest is not applicable nor is there a requirement for security or guarantee.
    2. This is a standard loan agreement to be used in case of a friendly loan. The Agreement provides a good guide and has explanatory notes on what to do when you are acting for a lender or a borrower.
  • NOTES:
    1. A Loan Agreement is an agreement between a lender and a borrower detailing the terms and conditions of the loan.
    2. This is a standard loan agreement to be used in case where the loan is guaranteed by a third party. The Agreement provides a good guide and has explanatory notes on what to do when you are acting for either party.
  • NOTES: 
    1. A Loan Agreement is an agreement between a lender and a borrower detailing the terms and conditions of the loan.
    2. This is a standard loan agreement to be used in case where the loan is secured and guaranteed by a third party. The Agreement provides a good guide and has explanatory notes on what to do when you are acting for either party.
  • NOTES:
    1. A Loan Agreement is an agreement between a lender and a borrower detailing the terms and conditions of the loan.
    2. This is a standard loan agreement to be used in case where the loan is secured. The Agreement provides a good guide and has explanatory notes on what to do when you are acting for either party.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Loan Agreement.
    2. It can be changed from time to time.
  • NOTES: A Loan Agreement is an agreement between a lender and a borrower detailing the terms and conditions of the loan. This is a standard loan agreement to be used where the lender is a company and the borrower is an individual. The loan granted to the borrower is secured. The Agreement provides a good guide and has explanatory notes on what to do when you are acting for a lender .
  • NOTES: A Loan Agreement is an agreement between a lender and a borrower detailing the terms and conditions of the loan. This is a standard loan agreement to be used in case where the loan is secured. The Agreement provides a good guide and has explanatory notes on what to do when you are acting for either party.
  • Notes:
    1.            This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting the Maintenance Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2.              This template is applicable in case of Website development
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Master Development Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable where a franchisor has developed a product and service for a branded business, and Master Franchise Holder wishes to acquire from the Franchisor the right to operate and develop the Branded Business.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Non Disclosure Agreement between individuals who are in certain professional relation.
    2. This template is applicable in in employment environment and can be modified and amended.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting Non-Compete Contract between the Employer and Employee.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Partnership Deed

    Sh 100,000
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Partnership Deed and be used for business or investment purposes.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Partnership Deed and be used for business or investment purposes.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Promissory Note for corporate
    2. This template is applicable can be modified and changed accordingly.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting the Sale and Purchase of Goods Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case of sale of goods as defined under the Sale of Goods Act Chapter 214. Section 2 0f the Sale of Goods Act defines goods to include all chattels personal other than things in action and money, and all emblements, industrial growing crops and things attached to or forming part of the land which are agreed to be severed before sale or under the contract of sale. This template does not therefore apply in case of sale of land.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting the Sale and Purchase of Goods Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case of sale of goods as defined under the Sale of Goods Act Chapter 214. Section 2 0f the Sale of Goods Act defines goods to include all chattels personal other than things in action and money, and all emblements, industrial growing crops and things attached to or forming part of the land which are agreed to be severed before sale or under the contract of sale. This template does not therefore apply in case of sale of land.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting Contract of Sale of Motor Vehicle.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Security Service Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case of entering Sub Dealer Agreements amongst different individuals and corporations as principals and
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Security Service Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case of entering Sub Dealer Agreements amongst different individuals and corporations as principals and
  • Notes: A Service Agreement is a contract which sets out the terms and conditions for provision of services by a service provider to a Client. Most provisions of a Service Agreement would in most cases be standard. However, the following are the key provisions to watch out for prior to entering into a Service Agreement: payment, scope of services, amendment, termination, liability, confidentiality, IP ownership, and choice of law/dispute resolution. This template is a standard agreement with respect to a Service Agreement. This template is pro-client.  
  • A Service Agreement is a contract which sets out the terms and conditions for provision of services by a service provider to a Client. Most provisions of a Service Agreement would in most cases be standard. However, the following are the key provisions to watch out for prior to entering into a Service Agreement: payment, scope of services, amendment, termination, liability, confidentiality, IP ownership, and choice of law/dispute resolution. This template is a standard agreement with respect to a Service Agreement. This template is pro-Consultant.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Services Maintenance Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case parties want to perform a maintenance Service.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide when drafting commercial agreements. It provided some basics and essential of standard clauses used in commercial world of contracts.
    2. This template is applicable in case of Webs
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Standstill Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable when the Debtor is financially distressed and wishes to restructure its business to enable it to generate more revenue to meet its financial obligations.


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