Corporate forms and Documents

  • Notes: 
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting an Acknowledgement of Receipts of fund/money between the two people after provision and supply of certain services.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting an Architectural Service Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable where a party enters into an agreement with the lead architect on certain services by the Lead Architect to the Client pertaining to the architectural services on projects.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting an Asset Management Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case parties want to provide an Asset Management Service.
  • An asset purchase agreement (also known as a ‘business purchase agreement’ or 'APA') is an agreement setting out the terms and conditions relating to the sale and purchase of assets in a company.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting an Acknowledgement of Receipts of fund/money between the two people after provision and supply of certain services.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting an Agreement for the provision of catering services. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable for provision of services to different organizations.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Charge over share agreement. Shares to be used as security.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting Company’s circular resolution. The resolutions are intended to serve time as they don’t require issuance of long notices to receipients.
  • Consent to Short Notice to Board Meeting
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting the Consortium Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case of a consortium agreement , where parties come together and agree to work together to perform a parent contract/ OR Tender.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Consultancy Agreement.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Draft Convertible Loan Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    1. This template is applicable in case parties want to enter into a convertible loan Agreement, where the Borrower has requested the Lender to advance to it the Loan Amount (hereinafter defined) and the Lender has agreed to lend the same to the Borrower subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting an Acknowledgement of Receipts of fund/money between the two people after provision and supply of certain services.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a convertible loan agreement between and individual and a company.
    2. This template is applicable in the case where a client wants to test the services of a product before entering into an agreement to purchase the product.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Data Protection and Privacy Policy.
  • Notes A Deed of Acknowledgement of Debt is a legal document whereby the debtor/borrower acknowledges that they owe the lender money. The purpose of a debt acknowledgement deed is to provide to the lender with a document setting out an amount of outstanding debt, that the lender may rely on as evidence of an existing debt should any issues or disputes in respect of the debt arise. This document is a standard Deed used in cases where the debtor owes money to the lender arising out of a loan or supply of goods.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Deed of Adherence by shareholders.
  • Notes:   Deed of Assignment and Novation   An assignment agreement transfers one party's rights under a contract to another party. The party transferring their rights is the assignor; the party receiving them is the assignee. Under an assignment only the benefits of the contract are transferred whilst the obligations remain with the assignor.   Novation is a mechanism where one party transfers all its obligations and rights under a contract to a third party, with the consent of the original counterparty.   This standard document has integrated notes with important explanations and drafting tips.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Deed of AdherenceNotes:A Deed of Assignment of Trademark is a document through which the registered proprietor of a trademark transfers his/her/its rights, title and interest in the trademark to a third party. This gives the third party the right to use the trademark of the owner. Once the Deed of Assignment is done it is required to be registered with the Registrar of Trademarks. The difference between an assignment and a trademark is that a license allows the licensor to retain their rights and interests in their IP while an assignment transfer all of the assignor’s rights and interest to the assignee. This Deed is applicable in the following scenarios:
      • where the assignment is absolute; and
      • where the goodwill of the business is not being assigned.
      by shareholders.
  • Notes: A Deed of Assignment of Trademark is a document through which the registered proprietor of a trademark transfers his/her/its rights, title and interest in the trademark to a third party. This gives the third party the right to use the trademark of the owner. Once the Deed of Assignment is done it is required to be registered with the Registrar of Trademarks. The difference between an assignment and a trademark is that a license allows the licensor to retain their rights and interests in their IP while an assignment transfer all of the assignor’s rights and interest to the assignee. This Deed is applicable in the following scenarios:
    • where the assignment is absolute; and
    • where the goodwill of the business is being assigned.
  • Notes: A Deed of Assignment of Trademark is a document through which the registered proprietor of a trademark transfers his/her/its rights, title and interest in the trademark to a third party. This gives the third party the right to use the trademark of the owner. Once the Deed of Assignment is done it is required to be registered with the Registrar of Trademarks. The difference between an assignment and a trademark is that a license allows the licensor to retain their rights and interests in their IP while an assignment transfer all of the assignor’s rights and interest to the assignee. This Deed is applicable in the following scenarios:
    • where the assignment is absolute; and
    • where the goodwill of the business is being assigned.
  • Notes: A Deed of Assignment of Trademark is a document through which the registered proprietor of a trademark transfers his/her/its rights, title and interest in the trademark to a third party. This gives the third party the right to use the trademark of the owner. Once the Deed of Assignment is done it is required to be registered with the Registrar of Trademarks. The difference between an assignment and a trademark is that a license allows the licensor to retain their rights and interests in their IP while an assignment transfer all of the assignor’s rights and interest to the assignee. This Deed is applicable in the following scenarios:
    • where the assignment is absolute; and
    • where the goodwill of the business is being assigned.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Deed of Settlement for the repayment of loan.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time depending on the terms and conditions agreed.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Deed of Settlement and Release from contractual obligations.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Deed of Settlement and Release from certain contractual obligations.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting Settlement deed between the parties for the payment of money due and payable to the plaintiff after instituting a case in court. The defendants agree that will pay the plaintiff the demanded amount as pleaded.
    2. The Settlement Deed is always filed in court readily to be adopted and endorsed as a court decree.
    3. It can be modified and amended from time to time depending on the terms and conditions and nature and demands of the parties.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Development Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case parties want to team up in order to perform a certain contract or Tender.
  • A distribution agreement is an agreement whereby a supplier or manufacturer of goods agrees that an independent third party called the distributor will market and sell the goods. The distributor buys the goods on their own account and trades under their own name. Distribution Agreements are of two types, exclusive distribution agreement and a non-exclusive distribution agreement. This template is a standard agreement with respect to the appointment of an exclusive distributor.
  • A distribution agreement is an agreement whereby a supplier or manufacturer of goods agrees that an independent third party called the distributor will market and sell the goods. The distributor buys the goods on their own account and trades under their own name. Distribution Agreements are of two types, exclusive distribution agreement and a non-exclusive distribution agreement. This template is a standard agreement with respect to the appointment of a non-exclusive distributor.
  • Notes:
    1. An E-mail disclaimer is a rider that is set out at the end of an e-mail containing a warning or a legal notice against such things as breach of confidentiality.
    2. An E-mail disclaimer should contain such important warning or notice that the entity intends to pass to the recipient. In most cases, E-mail disclaimers take the form of confidentiality disclaimer, virus warning disclaimer, non-binding disclaimer or personal disclaimer.
    3. This is a standard E-mail disclaimer document that sets to provide warning against using the information contained in the E-mail as it is confidential. It also contains warning against any presence of virus in the E-mail or its attachments.
  • An Electronic Publishing Agreement is an agreement between the author and publisher whereby the publisher agrees to publish the works of the author electronically. This Agreement limits the publishing of the works electronically.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting an Employee Share ownership Scheme Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable where a Company wishes to establish a scheme for the purpose of incentivizing employees of the Company and its subsidiary companies through the holding of shares in the Company.
  • Frequent Asked Questions in Respect of an Investment Agreement


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