Corporate forms and Documents

  • NOTES:
    1. A Loan Agreement is an agreement between a lender and a borrower detailing the terms and conditions of the loan. A friendly loan agreement is usually made between friends, family, or acquaintances. In most friendly loan agreements and depending on the relationship and agreement between the parties, interest is not applicable nor is there a requirement for security or guarantee.
    2. This is a standard loan agreement to be used in case of a friendly loan. The Agreement provides a good guide and has explanatory notes on what to do when you are acting for a lender or a borrower.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Loan Agreement.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Pledge Letter for loans.
  • Lease Agreement

    Sh 150,000
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting Contract of Lease/Lease Agreement.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Joint Venture Agreement.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting the Investment It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template serves as a sample only and can be modified.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a head of terms agreement when parties want to either sell or purchase stock and assets of a company.
    2. It can be modified and amended from time to time depending on the nature and demands of the company and the Investor.
  • An Electronic Publishing Agreement is an agreement between the author and publisher whereby the publisher agrees to publish the works of the author electronically. This Agreement limits the publishing of the works electronically.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting a Development Agreement. It may be modified or amended as need may be.
    2. This template is applicable in case parties want to team up in order to perform a certain contract or Tender.
  • Notes:
    1. This precedent is intended to act as a guide in drafting Settlement deed between the parties for the payment of money due and payable to the plaintiff after instituting a case in court. The defendants agree that will pay the plaintiff the demanded amount as pleaded.
    2. The Settlement Deed is always filed in court readily to be adopted and endorsed as a court decree.
    3. It can be modified and amended from time to time depending on the terms and conditions and nature and demands of the parties.
  • Notes: A Deed of Assignment of Trademark is a document through which the registered proprietor of a trademark transfers his/her/its rights, title and interest in the trademark to a third party. This gives the third party the right to use the trademark of the owner. Once the Deed of Assignment is done it is required to be registered with the Registrar of Trademarks. The difference between an assignment and a trademark is that a license allows the licensor to retain their rights and interests in their IP while an assignment transfer all of the assignor’s rights and interest to the assignee. This Deed is applicable in the following scenarios:
    • where the assignment is absolute; and
    • where the goodwill of the business is being assigned.
  • Notes: A Deed of Assignment of Trademark is a document through which the registered proprietor of a trademark transfers his/her/its rights, title and interest in the trademark to a third party. This gives the third party the right to use the trademark of the owner. Once the Deed of Assignment is done it is required to be registered with the Registrar of Trademarks. The difference between an assignment and a trademark is that a license allows the licensor to retain their rights and interests in their IP while an assignment transfer all of the assignor’s rights and interest to the assignee. This Deed is applicable in the following scenarios:
    • where the assignment is absolute; and
    • where the goodwill of the business is being assigned.


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