Submission of Beneficial Ownership Information in Tanzania
The Business Registration and Licensing Agency (BRELA) has issued a public notice on 10 March 2025 to all Companies operating in Tanzania, to Submit company information on beneficial ownership before the 15th April 2025
Investing in Tanzania: The Creation of Tanzania Investment and Special Economic Zone Authority
The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has on 14th February 2025 passed the Investment and Special Economic Zone Act, 2024 to reshuffle the investment regime in Tanzania, thereby establishing a single government agency named the “Tanzania Investment and Special Economic Zone Authority”, that will oversee and supervise investments in Tanzania.
Proposed Amendment to the Labor Law in Tanzania
The Parliament of Tanzania has introduced the Labor Laws (Amendment) Act, No. 13 of 2024, which proposes to amend the Employment and Labor Relations Act Cap 366 R: E 2019 and the Labor Institution Act Cap 300 R: E 2019, on the following Key changes.
Breach of Contract and Unfair Termination in Tanzania
Review of the recent Court of Appeal decision in; Momole Rose Nyimbo v. Worrior Security Limited [Civil Appeal No. 298 of 2022 arising from Labor Revision No. 12 of 2017] CAT
Intellectual Property: Differences Between Licensing and Ownership of Software in Tanzania.
Tanzania has been going through a commercial boom recently and the trend is higher year on year.
Taxation of the Insurance Business in Tanzania
Insurance firms are not solely subject to the same taxing treatment as compared to ordinary businesses and investments.
Obtaining Work and Residence Permits for Foreigners in Tanzania
A resident permit is a legal document that permits a foreigner to reside in the United Republic of Tanzania. Meanwhile, Work permits allow foreigners to work or engage in business activities in Tanzania.
Obtaining Visas and Short-Term Passes in Tanzania
A visa is an official document issued by the government of the United Republic of Tanzania through the immigration department that allows an individual applicant to enter, stay, or transit within Tanzania for a specified short period and purpose.
A Must File of Returns After Registration of Business Entity in Tanzania
All business entities in Tanzania are required to file tax returns to the Commissioner of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) according to Section 91 of the Income Tax Act R.E 2019 and Section 46 of the Tax Administration Act R.E 2019
Key Aspects of the New 2023 Companies (Beneficial Ownership) Regulations
Explore the significant changes brought about by Kenya's new 2023 Companies (Beneficial Ownership) Regulations. From expanded definitions to distinct filing requirements, discover how these regulations redefine beneficial ownership in Tanzania and the implications for businesses. Stay informed and compliant in the evolving regulatory landscape.
ISSUANCE OF LICENSE FOR TOURISM BUSINESS IN ZANZIBAR Introduction Zanzibar is one of the greatest tourist destinations in Africa and the world at large. Recently, the travel [...]
THE CONTROL OF TRANSFER PRICING IN TANZANIA Transfer Pricing as a concept is about transferring and/or manipulation of price which leads to tax avoidance in a transaction [...]
The legal and procedural requirement for establishing mineral trading and export operations in Tanzania
THE LEGAL AND PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ESTABLISHING MINERAL TRADING AND EXPORT OPERATIONS IN TANZANIA The United Republic of Tanzania has legal authority over any mining activities and [...]
Notice on Dissolution of Non-Governmental Organizations in Tanzania
NOTICE ON DISSOLUTION OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS IN TANZANIA. On the 24th of January 2023, the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups (MOHCDGEC) issued a [...]
Occupation Health and Safety in Tanzania
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY IN TANZANIA INTRODUCTION Occupational health and safety are related with economic activities undertaken in the country. As the economic activities grow and expand, [...]